Bible reading is more than a pleasant pastime. It can become a daily habit that will change your life. God's Word holds out the promise of rich benefits for those who spend time reading it and taking its truths to heart. Here are just seven of the many ways your life can be better as you make the Bible your daily reading companion. All seven come from PSALM 119 -- a magnificent song of praise for God's Word. They may be things that you already know, but this is just a quick reminder of how significant God's Word is to you having a better life.
1. The Bible will help keep you from sin. "I have thought much about your words, and stored them in my heart so that they would hold me back from sin" (verse 11)
2. The Bible will lift your burdens. "I weep with grief; my heart is heavy with sorrow; encourage and cheer me with your words" (verse 28)
3. The Bible will guide your steps. "Your words are a flashlight to light the path ahead of me, and keep me from stumbling" (verse 105)
4. The Bible will bring you joy. "Your laws are my joyous treasure forever" (verse 111)
5. The Bible will lead you to wisdom. "As your plan unfolds, even the simple can understand it" (verse 130)
6. The Bible will give you peace. "Those who love your laws have great peace of heart and mind and do not stumble" (verse 165)
7. The Bible will bring you back to God. "I have wandered away like a lost sheep; come and find me for I have not turned away form your commandments" (verse 176)
The Daily Walk Bible
If you would like prayer, baptism, or would like to be saved and born again please email me at God Bless you!!!!
Just want to share some life experiences and bring others to Christ, and share some of my knowledge
Friday, January 14, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Work with what you got!
Just want to say thank you to all the people that read my blogs and give me feedback on twitter. I appreciate it so much, you just don't know! Even if I can affect one person with my blogs all of it will be worth it. I thank you guys so much for taking time out to read a blog or two. I know I started out with real long ones, but I am trying to keep them shorter and add visuals so you guys won't get bored with me. With that being said I hope that this entry will be a blessing to you and may help you with a struggle that you may be going through.
The title of this blog is "Work with what you got." So.... what you got? Your answer may be "not a lot", or "plenty". Or it may be "what the heck are you talking about?" Let me paint a picture for you that our pastor did for us a couple Sundays ago. He started by giving one dollar to everyone in the congregation. After that he told us to imagine that when we went home we didn't have any food in our house what so ever for the next two days and all we had to get anything to eat with, was that ONE DOLLAR. Now, some of us may have already been in a real life situation like this so we are already pros at making a dollar stretch a loooooong way. You have to get very creative. Some of you reading this have already thought of some stuff you can buy with that dollar. "Ok, I can go to Wal Mart and get me 5 Packs of noodles for a dollar...." or "I can get me a .99 cent pack of hotdogs and chop 'em up and put toothpicks in them and eat them like hors d'oeuvres..." LOL I mean you got to WORK WITH WHAT YOU GOT sometimes. And it may not be everything that you need and want, but you have it so use it to its best ability and make it count. Now you could easily take that dollar and blow it on a .99 cent bag of chips and have one good snack and then hungry for a day and a half. Thats not thinking smart.
What I got from this message was that, if you have goals that you want to accomplish and right now it may not look like you got a lot to work with, you still have to work with what you got. You want to start a daycare but you don't have the money to rent a building, start in your home. Start keeping your friends kids and do a good job at it and have faith and trust me you will have that daycare one day. You want to have your own cleaning business? Put an add in the paper, or clean some of your friends and family houses for a fee and then if you are passionate about it and do good work, they will recommend you to more and more people and before you know it, you have to hire other people just to take care of all the clients that you have! Get creative, get motivated, don't let things hold you back from accomplishing your goals. You may not have a wealthy family and all kind of connections to get started but all you need is FAITH and a giving heart. When you give to others cheerfully, it is returned to you 100 fold!! So to bring this blog to a conclusion I just want to tell everyone not to be discouraged from going after your dreams and your God given purpose in life. Pursue it. So, my question again is... What you got? Whatever it is MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU!!!!!!! If you want to see more videos on Pastor Doc Murphy's "Financial Freedom" series please go to The Place International Church website and click on the link that says Church Online. And everything he talks about come straight from the Word of God, the Bible. I hope that this blog entry has been a blessing to you and helped you in some way. Don't let anything discourage you from pursuing your dreams and your goals and going forward in 2011. Set high expectations for yourself and reach for the stars. Plan out your goals. You should know everyday what you are going to do for the day. Pastor gave us a goal sheet that has mon-sun on it and a numbered list under it and basically if you have goals you want to achieve you should do something everyday that brings you closer and closer to accomplishing that goal. You have to plan and you have to get motivated and encouraged in the Lord!!!!!!!!!! And please don't let any people, places, or things get in the way of pursuing your goals. Don't be afraid to tell them No! Can't do it! and Nope!!

Thanks again for reading my blog. I love you all. Please if you have not been born again and would like to or if you would just like prayer or baptism please email me at or call our church at 972- 292- 7129. I just want to say a prayer right now for those reading my blog. "Dear Lord I ask that you bless this person and their family and I pray that you encourage them to pursue you more and more each day and also to pursue their goals and become everything that they want to be in life and Lord I ask that you give them a spirit of giving and a spirit to want to share your Word dear Lord. To all that are reading this I pray that you are blessed and not just in material things, but in peace and the joy of of the Lord in your life. In Jesus name ... Amen." God Bless You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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