Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Random -- A little of my testimony

     This is just a random post for those that take the time out to come and read them. I thank you guys so much, all 3 of you... lol. But anyways, I just wanted to share a little of my own testimony because I have come a very long way in life. I came from being homeless and having nothing, to having God fulfilling all my needs and more. I know that the reason why I was going through those hard times was because I was living in sin. When you choose, because Gods lets you have a choice, so when you choose to live in sin, God's protection is off of you. He is not the one sending you through these things.
     I had moved to the big city, meeting new ppl, being somebody that I'm not, feeling unloved by those that I felt were supposed to love me so I turned to others for that love and attention, but it was the wrong kinda love and attention. And ya'll have to forgive me because I'm not a writer and not really great with my grammar and things like that so bare with me please. But, anyways this was about 3-4 years ago. I was doing things that I should never had done: drinking, smoking weed, fornicating, not caring, not praying, not going to church, just doing everything wrong that could be thought of.  So God pretty much did like any parent would do, he came and dragged me out of that because I wouldn't come out willingly. I could no longer afford to live in that city anymore, so I had to come back to my hometown.
     Now, I thought that when I came back here that I could have my family to lean on and to help me to get on my feet, but how many of you know that you can never put your dependence on any PERSON. So eventually I ended up somewhere that I never thought I would be with my son.... a homeless shelter. I'm telling ya'll at this point I felt so alone and so abandoned and so ashamed and just at the lowest of the low. And on top of everything I found out that I was pregnant with my now 2 year old daughter. I had a part time job, but how can you save up for an apartment and things like that with a part time job, and your very much pregnant so nobody really wants to hire you. I felt like giving up so many times. I ended up having a wreck and totaling my car, so imagine how I'm feeling at this point. Having nothing but the clothes on our back to call our own. So I was desperate for a place to live, and with owing money to the apartments that I moved from, I knew it was going to be hard. But God always makes a way and I was able to find an apartment in a project, how my credit with through, I can't say I don't know because I know it was all God... and yes I said project and I'm not ashamed because I know I was very blessed for me and my son to find a roof over our head. When we moved into our apartment all I had was a love seat that my sis let me have, and a small tv that my other sis let me use. We also had a bunk bed that was given to us. But I was pregnant and could not put it together. But, to try to make this long story short, I know God was trying to show me that He is God and he could make a way out of no way! So now my house is fully furnished and I have another car and I have income to where I never have to ask anyone for anything, and when I do need something I know that all I have to do is go to Him, and its done. And let me tell you something ppl, if you want to ever be blessed, learn how to bless others. And learn how to be a cheerful giver. AND PAY YOUR TITHES. Get that nonsense out of your head that all the church wants from you is your money. The church doesn't need YOUR money, THATS GOD'S MONEY TO BEGIN WITH, HOW DO YOU THINK YOU GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, and I just wanted to share this with you guys so you don't think I'm just on here running my mouth, God has done miraculous things for me. I'm not the type of person that just goes by what everyone is doing and what everyone else is saying, I like to find out things for myself and research things. And I found out and God revealed to me that Jesus is real and he is alive! And only through Him have I been saved, and that you are saved or shall be saved. You know the scripture John 3:16! God loves you that much!   ......
    Romans 10:9 is the start of receiving salvation.  “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” Believing and confession are the first steps to salvation.  Confession is simply speaking out loud.  Once again, I will use the amplified version.  It says,  9Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  If you are truly believing in Jesus and the Truth, you will adhere to, trust in, and rely on the Truth that He has told us in His Word. 

 If you would like to start experiencing God’s plan for your life, then pray the following prayer with me.  Jesus, I welcome you in to my life.  I believe that you are the son of God and you died for my sins and I receive your forgiveness.  I acknowledge that I have been a sinner and repent of all my sins.  Jesus, I will cling to, adhere to you, and trust you.  I will follow these steps with baptism.  And finally, Jesus, thank you for your  Holy Spirit.  I welcome your Spirit into me. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

If you would like Prayer, baptism, or if you would like to visit us please call 972- 292- 7129  or go to ... also email me at   I am a member of The Place International Church in Longview, TX. Thank you and God Bless you!!!

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